
Christmas in Iowa!

Here are several more pictures from our time in Iowa with the Bohrers, Dieter's and Baldwins.


Bridger and Anna are officially members of God's Household through Baptism!!!

It was a joyous and proud day for the Bohrers and the Sutherland's. Bridger and Anna both did so well. We are so thankful for this blessing.


Pictures are up and running

Merry Christmas from the Sutherlands! I'm sorry that the website is not updated yet, instead I have been busy trying to get pictures to our blog--which I was successful at. Sorry that this is an older picture of bridgework, but I don't have my laptop, nor do I really have access to new pictures at the moment, but I promise to get some new ones on here in the next couple of days.

Bridger is being baptized tomorrow with his cousin Anna and we are so thankful that Bridger will officially be a part of God's household. We are so thankful for God's faithfulness to his promises through his Word and expect him to work an extensive amount of grace in the lives of Bridger and Anna. What a blessing that the Christ child was born to bring sinners like us and also little children like Bridger and Anna into his covenant of Grace. We who were once hopeless are completely delivered because the king of the world humbled himself, became powerless and dependent upon sinful people and then gave his life for them to be reunited in covenant with God. What an amazing gift.

Check back in a few days for a few more pics!


Hello Grandpa Denny and Grandma Ellen!

The Sutherland side of the grandparents made it here last Thursday and left today. It was a short trip and we don't envy their long flights to get here from Alaska. They had a great time with their first grandson, and he with them.

Ryan finished his 3rd final today in Hebrew and has only 2 more to go. He can't wait to get done with this first semester. It has been difficult, but we figure that if we can get through this one, then the others will seem pretty easy since we don't plan on having a baby every semester! Thanks for all of your prayers.